
Today is all about LIKING YOU ! Yes, you. On the road to self love, we should first acknowledge what we like about ourselves. I know it sounds very simple, but it not. So often it’s easy for us to say what we want to change about ourselves or things we don’t like. We are going to spend today writing, thinking and saying all the things we like about who we are.

Start with things you like:

Internally ( Compassion, Character, Humility, Patience, etc )

External (  sense of style, body type, skin tone, it can even be the fact you dress appropriately) Try not to just focus on how you look. Think about how you may be a great communicator. External Assets are those things you give off from you everyday, like your smile.

Life Style ( eating habits, exercise routines, hobbies, clubs, traveling, etc.)

Experiences ( What experiences in your life do you like and value? What experiences make you feel good about who you are? )

These are just a few things, you can certainly add more.

  • If you have a smart phone or ipad/tablet you can record these thing through out the day or type them on a note pad.
  • If you love journaling create columns and sections and make you list one by one.
  • You can also take sticky notes and write down things you like about you as affirmations and put them on the wall or mirror , etc.

Have fun with it. Make it into a project or activity. Do it with friends, mothers and daughters , sisters, etc.